Metacaulk Blazeseal是使用于防火门及门框配件的弹
性、高度膨胀性阻火材料。它是因应美国 Uniform 建
筑法规,UBC 7-2,UL 10C 新防火门标准所应维持正
Metacaulk Blazeseal 会形成坚硬的焦炭来密封门,阻
止火焰、浓烟、气体通过。根据UBC 7-25 规定,
Metacaulk Blazeseal 通过了高压消防水柱喷洒测试

Product Description
A flexible, highly intumescent firestop material used in fire rated door and door frame assemblies. BlazeSeal is designed to maintain positive pressure as required in testing to the Uniform Building Code, UBC 7-2 and UL10C. Our advanced technology allows the material to display multiple staged intumescence. This type of expansion offers superior fire protection while reducing the amount of material required to achieve the desired fire rating. In addition, BlazeSeal forms a strong char to seal the door to
frame clearance, thus preventing the passage of flames, smoke, and hot gases. BlazeSeal stands up to the hose stream test required by UBC 7-2.