产品描述——MC1200 弹性阻火密封剂
·用于建筑间隙 ·水基性 ·弹性·可上漆
Metacaulk 1200 是单一成分的针对建筑间隙,例如墙
和缺口的阻火密封剂。Metacaulk 1200 是水基性乳状
供快速经济的长间隙施工。Metacaulk 1200 根据
ASTM E814(UL1479)标准测试具有2小时阻火时效,
UL2079 (建筑间隙系统阻火测试) 标准测试具有3小时
阻火时效。根据ASTM E1399标准,Metacaulk 1200 通

Product Description
Metacaulk 1200 Caulk Grade is a single component, general purpose fire
rated sealant for construction joints such as top of the wall, curtain
wall perimeter, expansion, control,etc. and for general construction gaps and voids. Metacaulk 1200 Caulk Grade us a water based, non-sag sealant that is easy to apply. Metacaulk 1200 Caulk Grade systems are rated for up to 3 hour conditions in accordance with the UL 2079 (Tests for Fire Resistance of Building Joint Systems) Test Standards.Metacaulk 1200 has been cycled 500 times, meeting the new ASTM E 1399standard. Also tested in accordance with ASTM E 814 (UL 1479) for
systems up to 2 hours.

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